

Ie ie ie bele wea seru molo mesa a a a

The song above is our most recent project for May 10th. Honestly, we've never heard it before, and it doesn't sound any challenging but now after listening to it couple of times daily (and browse the review from the net of course), it's a song about preserving the nature, so touching.
And this was our first time to cover a song that was not sung and re-arranged by some pop, up to date musician. This was originally a folksong from Flores Island and this mainly uses native language--that we don't understand to date.
So from some articles that I've read on the net, it's about preserving the pure nature, and calling out the birds which have lost their home (the trees in the forest, the branches and leaves) to entertain them.
And also, it was such a capriole for us-the band, to play it with Pak Anggito Abimanyu (he plays flute) and to be broadcasted live.

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